• Saturday, July 27 , 2024
  • Council Office, Public Library, Church Street, Blackrod, Bolton. BL6 5EQ
    Tel: 01204 696362
    Open: Mon-Thu, 9:00am-4:00pm

Blackrod Town Council – Events Diary

Nov 2022
Announcement: Annual Lighting of the Christmas Tree 2022

The lighting of Blackrod Town Council’s Christmas Tree and carol service will be held on Tuesday 29th November 2022 around the tree on Blackhorse Street, commencing at 6.30pm.The children from Blackrod Church School will perform a chosen Carol and be accompanied by a group of musicians from the Village. Following the service, seasonal refreshments will be served in St Katharine’s church, where the Blackrod Community Choir will perform a selection of Christmas music for all to enjoy. Everyone is welcome.

Nov 2022
Announcement: Service of Remembrance 2022

The Annual Service of Remembrance will take place on Sunday 13th November 2022, commencing at the Blackrod Cenotaph at 2.15pm for the short service and laying of wreaths, which will then be followed by the parade through the village to the full service being held at St Katharine’s Church at 3pm.Please contact the Town Clerk should any additional information be required.

May 2021
Announcement: Fantastic result for the Blackrod Neighbourhood Plan Referendum.

Fantastic result for the Blackrod Neighbourhood Plan Referendum.
Thank you to all of you who have understood the implications of the Plan, now is the time for the work to commence.
Thank you Blackrod Residents. Referendum result: Residents voting YES = 1595, Residents voting NO = 145. So, the majority of Blackrod residents say YES to Bolton Council using our Neighbourhood Plan when considering planning applications in Blackrod. Please refer to the Blackrod Neighbourhood Plan Facebook page for updates and further progress.

Nov 2020
Announcement: The lighting of the Town Council’s Christmas Tree

Due to the current Government advices on social distancing, the Town Council has unfortunately been advised that we cannot host the normal Christmas Tree Carol Service on Blackhorse Street this year. The Christmas Tree will be lit up as normal but in the meantime, the Town’s Mayor and Mayoress, Town Clerk and all members of Blackrod Town Council wish all residents of Blackrod a safe and happy Christmas 2020 and look forward to seeing you all again in 2021.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.

Nov 2020
Announcement: Remembrance Sunday 8th November and Maroons 11th November 2020

Statement from Blackrod Town Council

In light of current advice from both National and Local Government, including the social distancing restrictions imposed due to Covid 19, Blackrod Town Council, together with representatives from the Royal British Legion, have reluctantly made the decision to cancel the normal Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade on 8th November 2020.

The Town Council has been advised that the practicalities involved in the organisation of the event, together with the resources that would be required to ensure that public safety could be managed in line with current Government guidance, has made it an impossible task.

However, as the Town Council, believes that there is a Civic Duty to acknowledge those who sacrificed so much, arrangements will be made to conduct a smaller service on behalf of the Town and its residents.

Once this formal service has taken place, anyone wishing to lay a wreath on behalf of their organisations should do so on an individual basis, taking responsibility for their own safety and in keeping with Government Social Distance Guidance.

The Cenotaph will be available for wreath laying from 1.45pm on the afternoon of Sunday 8th November 2020. Please observe all Government Guidelines.

Additionally, on behalf of Blackrod, a Maroon will be fired on 11th November but no service will take place.

Blackrod Town Council

Oct 2020
Announcement: Blackrod Library Reopens Monday 12th October 2020

Great news! Blackrod Library to reopen on Monday 12th October 2020. The Library is certainly looking forward to seeing the return of friends, old and new.

Mar 2020
Mayor’s News: Mayor’s charity Event

60’s night with the travellin’ strings at the Hilltops Social Club. Friday 27th March from 7pm. Tickets available from the Town Clerk. Price £10 to include a hot supper.

Dec 2018
Event: Community Carol Singing with the Christmas Tree Lighting

Community Carol Singing with the Christmas Tree Lighting

Tuesday 4th December 2018 at 6:30pm. By the Mayor of Blackrod & Friends. Following the dedication everyone is warmly invited to refreshments and more Carol singing at St. Andrews, Hill Lane, Blackrod BL6 5JP.

Nov 2018
Announcement: Blackrod Remembrance Day Service and Parade 2018

Due to the 100th year Commemoration of the end of World War One,

    The Blackrod Service of Remembrance and Maroons will both take place on Sunday 11th November 2018 from 10.30am.

Proceedings will commence at the Cenotaph in the Cemetery Grounds promptly at 10.30am and include a collective Blackrod schools choir in addition to the normal service of Remembrance.

    The second part of the service will continue with the Remembrance Day Parade leaving the Cenotaph at approximately 11.05am and marching through the village to St Katharine’s Church for the Remembrance Day Service which will commence at approximately 11.45am.

Following the completion of the service, refreshments will be served to those who have attended the service & Parade at the Hilltops Social Club on Hill Lane.
This year Blackrod has been unable to count on the services of a band for the Service. However, it is hoped that local residents will ensure that the lack of a band will not deter those who wish to ensure that Blackrod’s Service of Remembrance is still held with the dignity and fortitude given to us all by those who served long ago.

We look forward to you joining us on 11th November 2018.

May 2018
Announcement: Blackrod have a new Mayor

Blackrod have a new Mayor. At the Annual Meeting of the Town Council attended by over 55 friends, family and local residents, Councillor Mr Scott Batchelor was elected to became the Town Mayor for the year 2018-2019. Councillor Batchelor will be joined by his Mayoress Mrs Karen Batchelor and supported by Deputy Counsellor Mr John Price and wife Sandra. Blackrod Town Council wish the new civic dignitaries all the very best for the forthcoming year when they will be out and about representing the local residents of Blackrod over a very busy year.

May 2018
Announcement: 2017-2018 Retiring Mayor

Retiring Mayor Councillor Mrs Isabel Seddon presented over £3500, raised through her Mayoral year to local charities and good causes. These included Bolton Parkinsons Group: Blackrod Guiding Association and AFC Masters a local disability group. Friends and family and local dignitaries gathered at the Annual Meeting of the Town Council to wish Councillor Mrs Seddon a well earned rest after a long event filled year. The retiring Mayor was presented with a beautiful flower arrangement as a thank you from Town Council colleagues.

Apr 2018
Announcement: Mrs Susan Gaskell, newly elected council representative

Blackrod Town Council are pleased to announce that they have successfully Co-opted a new member of the team. Mrs Susan Gaskell has been appointed as Councillor for the Central Ward of Blackrod, replacing Mrs Ann Cunliffe who retired from her Local council role., Friends and family joined Susan and fellow councillors to witness Mrs Gaskell take her Oath of Office of Town Councillor at the council meeting held on April 30th. The Town Council is now fully represented again across all three wards in the village.

Dec 2017
Announcement: Mrs Susan Warburton, newly elected council representative

Blackrod Town Council are pleased to announce that they have successfully Co-opted a new member of the team. Mrs Susan Warburton, Landlady of the Poachers Pub in Blackrod. Mrs Warburton will replace the vacancy in the South Ward, which had been previously held by Mrs Pat Barrow (Dec’d).
Friends and family joined Susan and fellow councillors to witness Mrs Warburton take her Oath of Office of Town Councillor and Town Council colleagues look forward to working alongside Councillor Mrs Warburton over the coming months.

Dec 2017
Announcement: Lighting of the Christmas Tree

The Town Mayor was delighted with the very strong turn out for the annual switching on of the Blackrod Christmas Tree. The Mayor was ably assisted in the task of switch on the tree by members of Blackrod Town Council’s Youth Division and following a short service over 200 local residents made their way to St Andrews’s Hall to be entertained by Blackrod Community Choir and young performers who acted out the Christmas story for those present. Seasonal refreshments were laid on by Blackrod Town Council.

Nov 2017
Announcement: Remembrance Day Service, Sunday 12th November 2017

The Town Mayor Mrs Isabel Seddon and members of the Town Council and local dignitaries led the way on this year’s Remembrance Day Service
This well attended event saw many local residents and dignitaries join the parade and their way from the Cenotaph to the full service of Remembrance held at St Katharine’s Church, to the sounds of the rousing accompaniment performed by Greenfield Band. Refreshments were later served at the Hilltops Social Club donated by the Town Council.

Mar 2017
Announcement: Blackrod Sports and Community Centre

Blackrod Sports and Community Centre (BSaCC), Greenbarn Way, Blackrod, BL6 5TA

Expression of Interest for: Centre Development Manager

Have you experience and a track record in:

  • Securing funds for capital improvements and revenue grants for a new charitable organisation?
  • Supporting, developing and managing volunteers?
  • Delivering our vision of a successful, well run and welcoming local sports and community facility?


Could you:

  • Service and report to the Charity Trustees, the project funders, Centre users and Bolton Council?
  • Get a diverse programme of community, social, sports and leisure activities up and running?
  • Achieve a breakeven financial position to keep the Centre going year on year?


If YES please:

  • Read the one page summary (attached PDF file) for more information, and
  • E-mail your A4 one side Expression of Interest to drstevesharples@psconsultants.org.uk by Friday 21 April 2017


Once the funding is confirmed for this post:

  • It will be advertised widely as a formal employment opportunity.
  • Full details and an application form will be sent to all those who reply to this initial expression of interest. Thank you.

Mar 2017
Announcement: Mr John Price, newly elected council representative

Following the recent Bi Election within the Blackrod Community, The Mayor, Town Clerk and members of Blackrod Town Council are delighted to welcome Mr John Price (Independent Non Political) as the newly elected council representative for the North Ward in Blackrod. Mr Price will take up his role officially following the taking and signing of the Declaration Of Office on Monday March 6th 2017 at the start of the Town Council Meeting. The Town Council looks forward to working alongside their new member.

Feb 2017
Announcement: The Blackrod Neighbourhood Plan is well under way…

The Blackrod Neighbourhood Plan is well under way, thanks to everyone who attended the first public meeting on 28th February 2017 and to those who are participating and giving their time to the project. The Blackrod Neighbourhood Plan is not being ran by Blackrod Town Council, however if you are looking for information on the Blackrod Neighbourhood Plan then you will find the website address under the Useful Links section or alternatively please visit the Blackrod Neighbourhood Plan website here: www.blackrodneighbourhoodplan.org.uk

Dec 2016
Event: Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, Tuesday 6th December 2016, 6:30pm.


Community Carol Singing and Lighting up the Christmas Tree on Tuesday 6th December, 6.30pm.

The Mayor of Blackrod will be switching on the lights on Blackrod’s Christmas Tree, on the green opposite Blackrod Library. With singing of carols accompanied by the Rhapsody Community Choir.

Everyone is welcome to join in!

Sep 2016
Mayor’s News: Body Shop At Home Party, Thursday 8th September.

Body Shop At Home Party, Thursday 8th September.

To be held in the Council Chambers in the Library building.

Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Tickets just £2.00.

Hosted by the Mayor Of Blackrod in aid of the Mayor’s charities which include:

  • Special Educational Needs in the Blackrod Schools
  • Bolton centre for blind people
  • Please see attached poster for more details.

Jul 2016
Event: Blackrod Scarecrow Festival 2016, 2nd and 3rd July 2016

Blackrod Scarecrow Festival 2016, 2nd and 3rd July 2016.

Announcement 16/06/16: The “Scare” of a closed road has been lifted!!!

Planned structural roadworks by United Utilities on the location of Station Road, Blackrod had threatened to disrupt the Highly Successful 10th Annual Blackrod Scarecrow Festival being held over the weekend of 2nd/ 3rd July 2016.
Following an appeal by the Town Mayor, Councillor Ann Cunliffe on behalf of the Town Council and Residents of Blackrod, United Utilities have agreed to liaise with Bolton Council Highways in order to rearrange these structural improvements as a gesture of good will. The proposed highway works will now take place on the 8th July.

The Town Mayor, Councillor Cunliffe stated that she had intervened on behalf of the people of Blackrod by appealing to United Utility’s “better nature”. The Town Mayor said that “once I had explained the situation to United Utilities, how these structural works on Station Road, which is a major route in to the village would split the village in two and that Blackrod holds this major event each year and it is attended by many thousands of visitors, United Utilities fully understood the situation and I am grateful that a possible disaster has now been avoided and Blackrod residents thank them for their cooperation.
Mrs Jean Hibbert, organiser of the Blackrod Scarecrow Festival was also delighted with the outcome and said” A million thanks to all those that have assisted in getting the planned works rescheduled, now the folks from Horwich can also come and join us, which is very good news indeed”.

Blackrod Scarecrow Festival takes place on Saturday and Sunday the 2nd and 3rd July 2016. Come along and meet the Scarecrows, spot the celebrities and enjoy a great fun filled weekend for all the family.

Jul 2015
Event: Blackrod Scarecrow Festival 2015, 4th – 5th July 2015

Blackrod Scarecrow Festival 2015 4th – 5th July 2015.

Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved by blackrodtowncouncil.org.uk